The competition for the best legal article has been concluded!
JGA Legal and Tax Advisory, in collaboration with the editorial team of the “Prawo w Obrocie” blog, is pleased to announce the results of the competition for the best legal article.
The winners of the competition are as follows:
1st place – Agata Zwolankiewicz for the article titled “Wyrok TSUE ws Achmea – koniec arbitrażu inwestycyjnego w Unii Europejskiej? (The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning Achmea – end of the investment arbitration I European Union? (case no. C-284/16 Slowakische Republik vs. Achmea BV)”
2nd place – Agata Pachulska for the article titled “Okoliczności, których przewoźnik nie mógł uniknąć i których skutkom nie mógł zapobiec, jako przesłanka zwalniająca od odpowiedzialność przewoźnika za towar w międzynarodowym transporcie drogowym” (Circumstances that the carrier could not avoid and the consequences of which the carrier could not prevent as an legal prerequisite releaseing the carrier from liability for goods in international road transport)
Due to the high level of interest and quality of the submitted works, the jury has decided to award two prizes, and the organiser has increased the prize pool specified in the regulations to the amount of PLN 1,500.00.