JGA acted as a legal advisor in the antitrust proceedings concerning the concentration of Coöperatief Avalon MBO II U.A. and WOSANA S.A.

JGA law firm advised the private equity fund Coöperatief Avallon MBO II U.A. in the acquisition of control over WOSANA S.A., a company based in Andrychów, representing the fund in proceedings before the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Coöperatief Avallon MBO II U.A. is a Dutch investment company specialising in management buyouts (MBO) in the Polish market, while WOSANA S.A. is a Polish producer of beverages and mineral water. The intended concentration was subject to notification to the Polish antitrust authority due to the value of turnover generated by the companies involved in the transaction on the Polish market. On 11 October 2017, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection granted approval for the concentration, which involved acquisition of control over WOSANA S.A. by the fund.

The leaders of the advising team from JGA law firm were Natalia Skutnik-Golecka and Grzegorz Morawiec.
