Tomasz Stankiewicz


Tomasz specialises in commercial law, particularly in the area of freedom of contract in capital companies and provides extensive business advisory services.

He is adept in mixed martial arts, enjoys conquering mountain peaks in winter, and sails in the Adriatic Sea during the summer. In the evenings he hones his piano-playing skills. Tomasz loves travelling and marvels at local cultures. He is fascinated by systemic analysis.


  • He has been involved in organising corporate events, and investments in real estate and luxury goods.
  • He has been associated with the JGA law firm since 2018.
  • He is primarily involved in preparing pleadings and draft agreements.
  • He analyses legal issues and ensures the correctness of contracts.
  • He assists in the legal representation of business entities.
  • He participates in legal audits and contributes to investment projects.
  • He interprets and analyses court rulings.
  • He is fluent in English.