Agnieszka Machnicka
HR and Payroll SpecialistAgnieszka is responsible for the complete HR and payroll documentation of the JGA team. She maintains personnel files and working time records, calculates leave entitlements, prepares certificates, drafts contracts, and issues employment certificates. She calculates salaries and settles civil-law agreements.
She is in constant communication with institutions such as the Social Insurance Institution and the Tax Office.

JGA Kancelaria Radców PrawnychGalwas, Ginckaj, Morawiec, Olszewski, Stankiewicz Sp. pul. J. Kilińskiego 34, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 257 17
JGA Doradztwo PodatkoweWiśniewski, Sablik i Partnerzy S.K.A.ul. J. Kilińskiego 30, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 258 18