JGA Legal is the legal advisor in the transaction involving the integration of additional dental clinics into the Medicover group

JGA advisors provided assistance to Polmedico Becker limited partnership, and Ms. Katarzyna Becker (as the seller) in the transaction involving the sale of two dental clinics, namely “Pod Szyndzielnią” Dental Polyclinic in Bielsko-Biała, and Becker Orthodontics Clinic, to Medicover Sp. z o.o., based in Warsaw. Prior to the transaction, the sellers operated one of the largest dental clinics and one of the most renowned orthodontic clinics in the country. Both clinics are currently functioning within the structures of the Medicover group.

The sale transaction was conducted and finalised in November 2021. JGA’s advisory scope included defining the business terms of the transaction, structuring it, and negotiating the transactional documentation, including the sale of business agreements. This transaction differed from typical processes of this kind as the key element here was to establish the rules under which the previous owners of the clinics would collaborate with their new owner.

The incorporation of the clinics into one of the largest medical groups in Poland constitutes not only a new chapter in their development, but also presents a challenge for their previous owners.

The above project was carried out by the JGA team, consisting of Wojciech Sablik, who coordinated the entire process, Natalia Skutnik, Marta Tyblewska-Lenard, and Jakub Lepiarz.
