Natalia Kącka
Attorney-at-lawCommercial Law and Capital Market Law Specialist
Natalia provides ongoing legal advisory services to companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, as well as private companies, particularly in the broad scope of corporate law, capital market law, and civil law. She has been serving clients in various industries such as heavy industry, automotive, real estate, and alcohol, for many years.
In her leisure time she enjoys actively engaging in mountain trips, trekking in different parts of the world, and climbing via ferratas.
- She has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating civil law contracts. She handles litigation in the areas of commercial law, civil law, and labor law (viewed from the employer’s perspective).
- She gained experience in the legal department of a publicly listed company in the medical industry, as well as an assistant judge in the District Court in Pszczyna and the District Court in Chorzów.
- She has carried out numerous business restructuring projects, particularly related to transformations, mergers of companies, and investment projects.
- She is fluent in English.

JGA Kancelaria Radców PrawnychGalwas, Ginckaj, Morawiec, Olszewski, Stankiewicz Sp. pul. J. Kilińskiego 34, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 257 17
JGA Doradztwo PodatkoweWiśniewski, Sablik i Partnerzy S.K.A.ul. J. Kilińskiego 30, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 258 18