Marcin Kruk
Attorney-at-lawMarcin specialises in broadly understood economic law, with a particular focus on company law and commercial contracts. He also handles cases concerning construction law and real estate transactions, participating in projects from the conceptual phase to the implementation phase. He is a member of the supervisory board of a public company. He is the author of publications on judicial control of administration in economic matters, published by the publishing house Wolters Kluwer Polska.
In his leisure time he actively engages in sports and tourism. He is a true lover
of 20th-century history, non-fiction literature, and reportage. A fan of rock and blues music, and an amateur drummer.
- He is an expert in the field of economic law, especially company law and commercial contracts.
- Throughout his professional practice, he has provided legal advice and assistance to clients in the construction, real estate development, automotive, as well as machinery and equipment manufacturing industries, including public companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
- He is fluent in English.

JGA Kancelaria Radców PrawnychGalwas, Ginckaj, Morawiec, Olszewski, Stankiewicz Sp. pul. J. Kilińskiego 34, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 257 17
JGA Doradztwo PodatkoweWiśniewski, Sablik i Partnerzy S.K.A.ul. J. Kilińskiego 30, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 258 18