Kinga Gębka
Senior Specialist in HR and PayrollKinga provides HR and payroll services to various entities. Her responsibilities include calculating salaries, handling PFRON (Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Fund) contributions, maintaining personnel files, overseeing occupational health and safety trainings, and medical examinations. Due to her diverse educational background and professional experience, she has extensive knowledge in economics, basic accounting principles, business operations, and the use of HR and payroll software. She utilises all these skills in her current specialisation in HR and payroll services for clients.
- She has gained her experience in consulting firms and in an IT company, holding an administrative position.
- She has completed a HR and payroll course.
- She holds a certificate of an independent accountant.

JGA Kancelaria Radców PrawnychGalwas, Ginckaj, Morawiec, Olszewski, Stankiewicz Sp. pul. J. Kilińskiego 34, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 257 17
JGA Doradztwo PodatkoweWiśniewski, Sablik i Partnerzy S.K.A.ul. J. Kilińskiego 30, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 258 18