Emilia Gogoc
Assistant in the Accounting DepartmentShe began her professional path at JGA after graduating from the Economics Technical School in 2024. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Finance and Accounting at the University of Economics in Katowice.
As an assistant in the accounting department, she expands her competence alongside experienced accountants, particularly in verifying and entering sales and purchase documents into the financial and accounting system. In addition, she deals with verification of bank statements, as well as warehouse turnover documents.
Privately, she is a travel enthusiast. She loves music and books. She is interested in psychology.
- During her studies at the technical school, she completed domestic and foreign internships, within the framework of the “Erasmus+” program.
- She has been involved with JGA since the beginning. She is eager to expand her knowledge and in her future plans, she also has a master’s degree.

JGA Kancelaria Radców PrawnychGalwas, Ginckaj, Morawiec, Olszewski, Stankiewicz Sp. pul. J. Kilińskiego 34, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 257 17 79jga@jga.com.pl
JGA Doradztwo PodatkoweWiśniewski, Sablik i Partnerzy S.K.A.ul. J. Kilińskiego 30, 40-062 Katowice,+48 (32) 258 18 40podatki@jga.com.pl